Post by carlyd on May 11, 2018 8:26:20 GMT
Hi, I'm based in Doncaster, what stage is your kit at?
Post by carlyd on May 11, 2018 19:03:45 GMT
Do you have photos to asses how much work is left to do? You mention paying to have it built? how do you envisage that working? I may be interested.
Looking to buy a Rocket...get in touch!
Posts: 94
Post by turbo2015 on May 12, 2018 10:05:16 GMT
Looking for somebody to help or take over my rocket build due to illness ☹️ I’m happy to pay. Mate are you better off buying one that is already complete. and selling yours to someone that is willing to take on a project. You may end up paying the same out if not more in the end by the time you pay someone and IVA etc etc, buying one would mean you can use it from the onset. There a really good on ebay at the min, 4 days left to run on auction www.ebay.co.uk/itm/kit-car-mev-rocket-h22a7/253612628410?hash=item3b0c7d99ba:g:HyEAAOSwiMRa80YZIf your personally attached to your car then different story.
Post by carlyd on May 12, 2018 10:26:44 GMT
That could be the bargain of the century right there
Post by casesensitive on May 17, 2018 10:35:06 GMT
If you didn't win this monster, there are a few commercial outfits and skilled builders like carlyd who'd happily finish off the car and put it through IVA. Because I'm in Ireland, I'm pretty much going to have to send it over the water to someone like Scottish Kit Car Centre to be taken through the test, add trim here or there etc. RTR used to do that for a load of builds, I think they were working on 4 or 5 went I visited the factory. Though if you finished your build inside 12 months you got a free IVA, so that might have had something to do with it. @bobn, didn't you have someone finish off electrics etc and go through IVA? How was it? And how much did it set you back?
Post by ianurban on Oct 4, 2018 19:05:46 GMT
Hi mate, Could you pm me please, or email iancrast@hotmail.com Thanks Ian